Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hear this from God; Let Him speak directly into your hearts

I know your frailty
You're turning toward and away.

You are secure.
I am not waiting for your wholness

I want you as you are.

Come into My Arms.
Rest your head on My shoulder
Feel My warmth and security.
It is yours, belongs to you.

I embrace you as you are now.
I rejoice over you now.
I delight in you now.

Not some future you.

Come as you are...
No resistance
No hesitation
No anxiety
No fear
Total acceptance
Total Love
No "if"
No "but"
You are all I want

Doubts will come--they are part of growth
As is fear
But you have courage to keep on.
You have faltered
Yet you kept on--you didn't quit.
That makes Me glad

Laugh with joy

Relax in Me
My embrace of you
My love for you
My joy in you

I love you desperately!

What is True Beauty Defined all about??

Beauty is an attitude, NOT a standard.  It originates deep within and manifests itself in ways far beyond the realm of genetics.  The way you feel about yourself is what the world sees.  BE BEAUTIFUL!

"Your God will rejoice over you." Is. 62:5

Our world today survives on its insatiable hunger for artificial beauty and perfection.  Many women face the struggle of not meeting the impossible standards our culture places on us for beauty.  As women we also often faulsly believe that we must justify being loved and accepted by how beautiful or attractive we are--hence we often find an equal stuggle in accepting love from those around us and even from our heavenly Father.  So if you have ever found yourself caught up in this struggle or one similar I am writting this blog for you!  Its my small way of not only sheading the light on the Lords amazing truth but aslo boldly taking a stand against the lies we all to often believe! So you wanna hear one womans genuine thoughts, struggles and revelations on all the little daily struggles we face trying to maintain a healthy view of ourselves, confidence, self esteem and holding tightly to the precious treasure of how God veiws us....then you're at the right place girl!  I hope and pray the Lord encourages as we take this journey.